Wine Musings from Margarita

I have selected four outstanding red wines for you, sure to please the most discriminating wine taste buds. Three of the wines come from the increasingly popular region of Ribera del Duero in Spain, which for years now has been producing some of the world’s...

Bogota, Falling for Wine

In tune with our current Pasajero issue highlighting Columbia, we decided to explore what wines Columbians like to drink. In order to do that, we invited Dario Parra, owner of the well-known establishment in Bogota, La Casa del Vino, to be our guest for this column....

Catar en Familia

Mi pequeña hija, quien tiene apenas tres años, ama el vino; pero me adelanto. Como diría Aristóteles, empecemos por el principio: ¡Bienvenidos a mi columna! Si usted lee estas líneas es porque le interesan los vinos tanto o más que a mi Sophia, a mi amigo Carlos...

Wine Musings with Carlos and Sophia

My three-year old daughter, Sophia, loves wine. Ah, but I’m getting ahead of myself.  Let’s begin at the beginning, as Aristotle would say: welcome to my column. If you’re reading these words, you’re interested in wines and likely a wine lover like Sophia and me or my...

Pasajero – The White Devil of Chuao

Erwin has turned into a devil.  Wearing a frightening mask and a colorful costume, he dances on the streets of Chuao in the steaming sun, following a long line of equally-attired devils beating drums and playing cuatros and maracas.  Although he’s only eleven years...